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Emsella Treatment

There’s no doubt that urinary incontinence affects a person’s quality of life terribly. Leakages can not only irritate your skin and can cause embarrassment, but constantly worrying about when one might happen next can keep you from living your life. So much so that you might even start planning everything you do around whether there’s a bathroom nearby. Urinary incontinence is a very common problem that affects one in seven women. However, women aren’t the only ones suffering from this issue. Despite the fact that women are twice as likely to have this problem, around 10% of men also suffer from this issue.


If you wish to regain control over your body and rediscover the confidence to live life to the fullest, free from the worries of pelvic floor dysfunction and urinary incontinence. EMSella is a ground-breaking, non-surgical treatment that empowers men and women to take charge of their bodies by providing an innovative solution to these common yet often overlooked problems.

Introduced by BTL Industries in 2018, EMSella has been making significant strides in addressing intimate health concerns for men and women across the world. It’s a medical device that employs High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to target and strengthen pelvic floor muscles effectively. This technology is pivotal in treating urinary incontinence, a common issue affecting millions worldwide. EMSella with its unique approach, doesn’t just impact a subset of muscles but the entire pelvic floor.

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Alive Wellness Clinics

Technology & Treatment


Urinary incontinence is not a selective problem, it affects one in seven adults and plagues a lot of older people. EMSella serves as a beacon of hope for people suffering from this issue, including women who have experienced childbirth or are going through perimenopause as well as men, particularly those recovering from prostate cancer treatments. EMSella’s inclusive approach is what sets it apart in the healthcare industry.

The technology behind EMSella is backed by extensive research and development. It has been rigorously tested and FDA-approved. This ensures its safety and efficacy in improving intimate health, making it a trusted choice for clinics and patients alike.


EMSella treatment involves stimulating pelvic floor muscles through HIFEM technology. Each 28-minute session induces thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, which is equivalent to performing 11,000 pelvic floor exercises. This intensive stimulation leads to strengthened muscles and restored continence.


One of EMSella’s most appealing features is its non-invasive nature. Patients can experience this transformative tr   eatment fully clothed, sitting comfortably on the EMSella chair. It doesn’t need any recovery time and can fit seamlessly into a busy lifestyle, making it an ideal solution for those constantly on the go.

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What to expect during EMSella treatment?

During an EMSella treatment, the patients remain fully clothed and sit on the EMSella chair. The chair emits electromagnetic waves that stimulate the pelvic floor muscles, causing them to contract. Each EMSella session lasts approximately 30 minutes, and most patients report feeling a tingling sensation during the treatment.


EMSella is a safe and well-tolerated treatment with minimal side effects. Patients might experience mild discomfort or a sore feeling after a session, but these effects are generally short-lived. There is no downtime associated with EMSella, and patients can resume their normal routine immediately after the treatment,

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EMSella’s HIFEM technology delivers thousands of contractions during each treatment, effectively strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. This increased strength can lead to a decrease in pelvic floor disorders such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

Many women experience a significant reduction in urinary incontinence symptoms after undergoing EMSella treatments. The strengthened pelvic floor muscles allow for better bladder control, resulting in fewer accidents and improved quality of life.

A stronger pelvic floor can also lead to improved sexual function, as it increases vaginal tightness and sensation. Many women report an enhanced sexual satisfaction after EMSella treatment, making it an attractive option for those seeking to improve their intimate experience. EMSella chair treatment can also help men with Erectile Dysfunction by improving blood flow to the pelvic floor. It is a safe and effective solution for men who don’t want to take medications or undergo surgery.

An EmSella session typically lasts for only 30 minutes, making it a quick and efficient treatment option. Most women require six sessions over three weeks for optimal results, providing a noticeable improvement in a relatively short period of time.

EMSella is an effective treatment option for women of all ages, from young adults to post-menopausal women. Regardless of age or life stage, EMSella can help address pelvic floor dysfunction and improve the overall quality of life.

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Frequently Asked Questions

EMSella treatments are generally well-tolerated with most patients experiencing only a mild tingling sensation during the session.

The duration of EMSella results can vary depending on the individual, but many people experience lasting improvements in their pelvic floor function. Some patients may choose to undergo periodic maintenance sessions to maintain optimal results.

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