

Growing old is an inevitable part of our lives and watching the hands of the clock steal away the youthful vigor of our face is unavoidable. While skin aging is an entirely natural process, so too is taking steps to look and feel your best at every stage in our lives. As we get older, our skin starts losing its volume and firmness resulting in drooping or sagging. Crowned as the ‘holy grail of in-office procedure’ Morpheus8 is the go-to anti-aging procedure of celebrities.

What is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is a fractional skin treatment that stimulates the collagen production of the underlying layer of the dermis. By targeting the deeper layers of the skin, Morphues8 treatment remodels the tissues of the face and body to reveal a more radiant and youthful appearance. Morpheus8 is a radio-frequency (RF) micro-needling device, meaning that it combines the properties and benefits of both radiofrequency technology and microneedling procedures to deliver never-seen-before results.

During a Morpheus8 treatment at our Morpheus8 clinic in Delhi, ultra-thin needles that emit radiofrequency energy are stamped into your skin to create a controlled injury which, in turn, promotes collagen and elastin production – the two key proteins responsible for skin firmness, tightness, and smoothness.

Many other professional devices work the same way, but Morpheus8 is a bit different as it penetrates into the skin deeper than most other devices, and also delivers a unique ‘burst’ mode that allows it to treat multiple layers of the skin at once for more robust collagen stimulation. It’s one of the most powerful RF microneedling treatments on the market, and most dermatologists say that it yields some of the most impressive results.

The number of sessions required for Morpheus8 relies heavily on the initial presentation of the canvas. When you seek Morpheus8 treatment in Delhi, you’d undergo a thorough consultation where a qualified dermatologist will inspect your skin and then deliver the initial session. Our team of expert dermatologists at the best Morpheus8 clinic in Delhi will administer the treatment safely and without any pain or hitches. Afterward, your skin is given three months to regenerate its collagen production and for the underlying tissue to respond to the sessions. At this point, your doctor will assess the response and decide how to process and best address your concern.

The treatment at our Morpheus8 clinic works on precise RF energy to enhance the structure of the skin and the growth of collagen. It is a revolutionary treatment that has been designed to revitalize the quality of the skin by providing patients with the best-desired results.

How does Morpheus8 work?

Morpheus8 is a unique skin enhancement treatment that combines the power of microneedling and radiofrequency energy to produce a healthier and brighter complexion. By combining the two techniques, Morpheus8 penetrates deeper into the skin than other treatment options, resulting in increased collagen and elastin production. This results in a smoother, firmer, even toned skin, and improved facial contours.

For the Morpheus8 treatment, microneedles create micro-injuries on targeted skin areas to stimulate collagen production for wrinkle reduction. Once the microneedles penetrate the skin, they emit heat from radiofrequency waves that go deep within the skin layers and result in the tightening of the underlying fat and skin. The heat energy produces a restructuring of deep dermal layers to reduce sagging skin and leading to a smoother skin appearance and better contours in areas such as the chin, jawline, and neck.

This treatment involves rolling a device over the treatable area that uses microneedling to penetrate the skin. The body perceives this is an injury and gets the message that it needs to produce new collagen to heal the area. By using fractionated RF energy, Morpheus8 also heats up the skin up to 43 degree celsius. At this temperature, the old collagen begins to break down. Once the existing collagen is broken down, the body produces new ones as instigated by the microneedling. The new collagen has tighter and stronger connective tissues that gives the skin a healthier and more youthful appearance. It tightens saggy pockets of the skin, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and improves the appearance of scarring, including acne scarring, surgical scars, and stretch marks.

Treatment Areas of Morpheus8
Morpheus8 is commonly used to target cosmetic concerns of the face, neck, and chin but it is available for additional body areas that suffer from sagging, excess skin, Other possible treatment areas for Morpheus8 include the abdomen, decolletage, above the knees, and inner or outer thighs. Morpheus8 can be used on any area that can benefit from resurfacing and subnormal skin renewal.

Who is Morpheus8 for?

Morpheus8 can help you if you’re struggling with:

  • Excess fat in the face and neck
  • Mild sagging and jowling in the face and neck
  • Uneven or rough skin texture
  • Acne scarring and other scars on the face or body
  • Deep lines and creases
  • Sun damage
  • Enlarged pores
  • Stretch marks

Benefits of Morpheus8 treatment:

The treatment helps to tighten the skin without any incisions or injections. It uses radiofrequency energy that penetrates deep into the skin layers and reaches depths up to 4 mm below your skin surface.

  • This helps to stimulate collagen production which ultimately improves your skin’s volume and firmness.
  • Morphues8 is the most advanced micro-needling technology that stimulates collagen and elastin production with little to no downtime.
  • It is one of the best anti-aging treatments that also helps in treating acne scars, pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity.
  • Morpheus8 treatment can be done on individuals who have mild to moderate wrinkles, sagging skin, and scars on their skin. It also helps in increasing collagen production as well as tightening the underlying skin tissues.
  • It is a non-invasive procedure that delivers dramatic results with no downtime.
  • It provides immediate as well as long-lasting results.
  • Morpheus8 offers instant glow and radiance to the skin.
  • One can immediately return to their regular activities after the treatment.

Aftercare for Morpheus8 treatment

The Morpheus8 fractional radiofrequency device is the latest advancement in skin tightening and contouring. Here’s how one can take care of themselves after getting your session at the best Morpheus8 clinic in Delhi:

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure: You need to make sure that the treated area is not exposed to the sun for at least a month. You must also apply your sunscreen with at least 30 SPF regularly when stepping out in the sun.
  • Do not apply makeup: Avoid wearing any makeup for at least two days after the treatment.
  • Cleansing: You must cleanse the treated area thoroughly twice daily, once in the morning and once at night. You should do this for three days following your treatment without fail.
  • Moisturizing: Use a gentle moisturizer on your skin regularly for about one month after your Morpheus8 treatment. This will keep your skin hydrated and speed up the healing process.

Frequently asked Questions(FAQs)

How quickly can you see results?
Visible results can be seen within a few days, but it usually takes about three weeks for the most noticeable results to appear. Improvements continue up to 3 months after the treatment.
What is the benefit of Fractionated Energy?
Radio-frequency (RF) energy is a scientifically proven method to remodel and rebuild collagen. It is minimally invasive as it uses a matrix of micro-pins to renew the deepest layers of the skin with almost no patient downtime.
Who can use Morpheus8?

The biggest benefit of Morpheus8’s color blind technology is that it can be used on all skin types. The unique properties allow even darker tones to be treated.

What kind of post-procedure care is required after the treatment?
Patients should moisturize the treatment area and avoid direct sun exposure for some time. It is also recommended that patients use a broad spectrum sunscreen everyday. In addition to reducing the risk of skin cancer, sunscreens also slow the aging process of the skin.
What are the side effects of Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 has minimal risks and side effects as compared to other skin treatments. Some people may develop redness or swelling post-treatment but it is temporary and usually subsides by itself within a day or two. If one needs, they can also manage these symptoms easily with over-the-counter medications.

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