Best Dermatologist in Delhi

Cleanse, Protect, Repair And Repeat

The Ultimate Weapon Against Pollution

Smog, dust, humidity and soot, when mixed with free radicals, make for a nasty pollution cocktail that wreaks havoc on your skin. No wonder that life in the metro ain’t full of glamour and glow! Patchy skin, dullness, dark spots and dryness are just the beginning.

Yes, it’s all very frightening, and that is why the biggest of beauty brands are falling over themselves, launching their ‘anti-pollution skincare products’, such as hydrating crème’, exfoliating masks, and restorative mists, which promise to protect and heal our skin from the harmful pollutants attacking us. The anti-pollution skincare has taken over the beauty world by storm and grown by 30 percent over the past six months.

Now, it might seem like a brilliant idea to follow the crowd and get your hands on the brand new products flooding the market, but, you need more than the term ‘Anti-Pollution’ to win the battle against free radical damage and beat the skin-scavenging pollutants. You need science to repair the damaged skin barrier!

Take notes, ladies, coz you are gonna need it!



Dirt, smog, smoke, and dust particles can work their way into your pores and clog them up. Therefore, a thorough cleansing is a must to give your skin a chance to breathe in the oxygen needed to keep a youthful glow. Use a sulphate-free cleanser to gently wash away the grime while retaining the skin’s natural oils. Follow up with a detoxifying charcoal face mask to pull out the oil and toxins to reveal fresh, radiant skin.



Use a rejuvenating moisturizer to deliver a dose of skin-enriching antioxidants to improve skin’s defense against the harmful elements.  Look for products with a potent mix of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamin A, C and E. This helps combat free radicals, repair damaged skin, and boost moisture retention. Make sure to top off your skincare regime with a big dollop of sunscreen because even though soot and smog cause severe damage, UV rays are no angels either.


Those pesky free radicals hinder collagen production and prevent oxygen from reaching the skin cells. The result? Tissue damage, wrinkles, fine lines, discoloration…the list is endless! To tackle the heady environmental aggressors for good, use exfoliators with salicylic acid to gently buff away the dead skin cells and purify the pores. Once the exfoliation is done, use a hydrating masque to fix the damage done during the day. You can also go in for antioxidant oxygen therapy. During this, your skin is infused with 98% pure oxygen, a healthy dose of Vitamin C and a blend of antioxidants to neutralize the effects of pollution. This also boosts circulation and allows your skin to breathe more easily.

Since we can’t change our way of life, we have to put in that extra effort to help our skin cope with our busy urban lifestyle. The good old, ‘cleansing-toning-moisturizing’ doesn’t really cut it anymore and we’ve got to supplement our beauty regime with that extra punch. The good news is that now you have the means to do it. All you gotta do is reach out to us. We promise to not just wage a hard battle against pollution but also win it so that your skin emerges victorious every single time.

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